Saturday, September 27, 2014

Leave no blocks behind - In pursuit of a quilt back

Back in March I was the quilt designer for the Faith Circle quilt. For this quilt I asked the Faith Circle ladies to make wonky disappearing 4-patch blocks using a palette of soft colors. You can read more about the quilt design and find the block tutorial here. In my mind I had visions of a plaid center section surrounded by applique borders of whimsical flowers. 


After a few more months than I intended the finished quilt top finally emerged :o) These happy little flowers took longer than I expected to complete, but I am oh-so-happy with the finished turned out exactly as I pictured it.

As often happens with our Faith Circle quilts there were a couple of blocks left over after the quilt top was assembled.


I try to go by the motto, "Leave no blocks behind." In other words, when a quilt is completely finished (quilted and bound) I really don't want any orphan blocks left over. A good way to accomplish this is to use the extra blocks when making the quilt back. I have collected a few larger cuts of fabric to put together with the two blocks in a pieced back. I want the back to use the same soft colors as the quilt top.


In my quilt notebook I've started to sketch out an idea...we'll see if it works out with the blocks and fabrics I've pulled. I hope to get the back pieced this weekend, and maybe get the quilt basted, too. 


I'm excited to see this quilt progressing! 


  1. Looks like a good plan! Good luck making it happen!

  2. This is such a pretty quilt, one of my favorites! Wonderful to have this collaboration result in a such a beautiful design. I like your plan for the back, and it's a great opportunity to include those leftover blocks.

  3. Well that will be really fun! Fancy you plotting it out so carefully - I do pieced backs way more 'caveman' style. Looking forward to seeing it.

  4. What a pretty quilt top. Good luck with the back.

  5. I love using left over blocks in the backing of a quilt. looking forward to seeing the backing you make. The colours in the quilt are so pretty and I love the appliqué flowers around the border.


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