Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Goal - A Lovely Year of Finishes

April means we are ready for fresh, bright colors and flowers...right?! Thoughts of warm weather and spring clothes sound so good :o) It is so very nice to go outside without a winter coat on!

This month I am in need of a little gift to give away so I've decided to use it as my April ALYoF goal. I have a mental image for a quilted pillow with an envelope-style back. We'll see if I can pull it off ;o)

I started with this sweet collection of orange fabrics:

Fabric for a pillow

From left to right, Kona Navy, the plaid and floral prints are from the Blossom Reel line by DS Quilts, Color Weave by P&B Textiles in  Light Orange, and finally Kona Snow.

I'm linking up the the April ALYoF Goal Setting Party! Mine is Entry No. 72. Click over there and have a look at all of the great projects going're sure to find something to inspire you :o)


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