Sunday, January 12, 2014

Exciting Big News...

Okay,'s really little news, but may grow into something big :o)

For quite a while now I've been mulling over joining a quilt guild. Here, where I live, in the heart of Civil War country, modern quilting is really not the vogue. There are several traditional guilds in the area with lovely quilters which I am not opposed to joining. However, most of them meet on weekdays during the hours when I'm at school (I'm a teacher) so that makes involvement with them pretty much impossible. There is a modern quilt guild that meets about an hour+ from where I live (big Shout Out to the NOVA Modern Quilt Guild!) who is just now officially joining The Modern Quilt Guild...Exciting! But, distance can become an issue. 

I've so enjoyed getting involved in the online quilting community and finding my little niche through flickr, instagram, and do. Good Stitches.  But, I would love to get to know some quilters in my own community and enjoy some face-to-face camaraderie.'s where the exciting news comes in! 

Yesterday I was talking to my friend, Kelley, owner of The Scrappy Apple quilt shop and we discussed trying to begin a guild for local modern quilters! We are aiming for an inaugural meeting the third Thursday in February. I'll keep you posted!!

Now, since no blog post should be without picture, I'll include my latest picture of the Faith Circle Row Quilt for do. Good Stitches. 

Quilting is finished!

I just finished free motion quilting it in a meander stitch. I am happy to say I actually enjoyed free motion quilting this quilt! Hooray!! It's taken several quilts for me to reach this comfort level and I'm so happy to get to this point in my skills! Next up is some hand stitching around the word "hope" with yellow #8 perle cotton. After that just the binding is left.

Happy stitching!


  1. I think that is BIG news! Very cool. And 'our' quilt is looking terrific!!

  2. That is awesome news, Debbie. It is so nice to meet like-minded quilters face to face. and great job on the do. Good Stitches!

  3. Good luck as a "quilt-guild-founding-mother"! And the quilt looks fab!

  4. That’s wonderful news Debbie! I’m a member of a quilt club at my LQS. Most members are very traditionl quilters (and so is the shop...). I’m also a member of a modern quilt group. It’s great to meet people with the same love for quilting, but the modern group is definitely more inspiring!
    Your quilts looks fabulous!

  5. VEry exiting indeed! So good for inspiration and sharing!!

  6. That's great news. The quilt looks wonderful.

  7. That IS exciting!!! I love that quilt so much. You've done an amazing job! -Letty

  8. Happy new developments for the new year! And your row quilt is lovely. I love the idea of hand stitching around the word Hope.

  9. Wooh!! That's exciting! If you need any help getting the group started, let me know. I have a little experience in starting a guild. ;)


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