Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rows of Faith

September was my month to design the quilt layout for the Faith Circle of do. Good Stitches. I've learned over the past year that it is an interesting process to work on a quilt with a community of people. You absolutely have to go into the process with grace in your heart, and look at the final product as a quilt of beauty, not a quilt of perfection. 

Lessons I've learned:
  • it's best to select a block design that does not require points to match up when blocks are joined together
  • everyone has their own definition of a 1/4" seam
  • asking for a white background means you will get mostly white, but an off-white is sure to show up someplace (the reverse is true if you specify off-white)
  •  there will always be someone who is struggling to get blocks mailed off on time (and sometimes that someone is me!)
I list these things not because I'm being critical...really it's quite the opposite. I list them because I believe that in the end none of these things really matter, and they provide a reason for us to extend grace to one another. In the Faith Circle we make our quilts for Restore Innocence and the girls helped by this organization don't care about any of the things listed above. What matters to them is finding hope and believing that people really do care about them. 

Here is the completed top for the Faith Circle September quilt. I still have to square off the side on the right before it is ready to quilt. 

Have you learned any lessons from working on projects with other people? If so, I'd love to hear about them :o)