Monday, July 22, 2013

Oh those quilt backs

The sticking point for me on most quilts ends up being the quilt back. By the time I get to this point I'm just ready for the quilt to be finished. I often turn to the Quilt Backs flickr group to find inspiration. This is the back for a quilt I am making for the Faith Circle of do. Good Stitches.

The final yard.

The front is called Scrappy Triangles. Each of the ladies in the Faith Circle made triangles using scraps from their fabric stash. This quilt is a good way to put tiny fabric scraps to good use. This fun block was designed by Ashley who blogs at Film in the Fridge. The tutorial can be found here

Scrappy Triangles Top~May, do. Good Stitches

Next up is the basting process. I'm still mulling over pin basting or spray basting. I really like how securely the quilt is held together using spray, but at the same time it leads to a more "structured" feel when quilting. I've toying with idea of doing an all over stipple pattern. I've never done free motion quilting (FMQing) on a quilt this large and I'd kind of like to give it a try. If not, there is always straight lines...I like them, too!

Here's a scripture verse to inspire me to finish this quilt...maybe it will inspire you, too!
Better is the end of a thing than its beginning...  Ecclesiastes 7:8a


  1. Oh I'm intrigued! Good luck as you continue to make progress on this fun quilt!

  2. Great quilt top - I love this pattern and it sure looks like a great way to use small scraps. About quilt backs, I feel the same way. By the time the top is pieced, I want to move along. I enjoy the quilting and backing, but no so much the basting (I use pins, by the way - never tried spray). I also find that by the time I get there, my creative juices have run out, so I try not to get too complicated and just let the size of whatever fabric I want to use dictate what to do. Whatever quilting patter you chose, I will look awesome.

  3. Love that quilt! Need to paste that verse on my hand!!

  4. Love this quilt! The border is so fun too

  5. Great quilt (back also!) and I love the link to the back- flickr group :) Love to read al about it on your blog!


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