Friday, May 16, 2014

An Extra Day in the Sun :o)

I'm still enjoying a bit of fun from my participation in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, vol. 9. The school where I teach uses a video broadcast for morning announcements each day. On Friday's there is a special segment called "Trojan Spotlight" which features an interview of a student or a teacher who has done something special. Some of the past participants have:
  • shot their first buck...a major milestone in the life of a tweenager/teenager :o)
  • set a record in a district sporting event
  • participated in community theatre
As you can see it takes a lot to be invited to appear on Trojan Spotlight! Being a published quilt block designer qualified me ;o)

Of course I had to make up a new sample of Dashing Geese to show on camera since the prize pillow I'd made for the blog hop has already been sent to it's new home.

Dashing Geese!
Dashing Geese
I thought I should use something nice and bright to appeal to my younger middle-school-age audience. This DS Quilts flower print and Cherry Rain by Timeless Treasures fit the bill just right! 

All participants on Trojan Spotlight get a Trojan Spirit t-shirt. At this point in the year the only sizes left were small and X-large. Neither of which are a good fit for me. I've been wondering what I'm going to do with the t-shirt when it came to me...use it to turn the Dashing Geese block into a pillow!

Trojan Spirit t-shirt

The bright red is almost a perfect match for the Cherry Rain print of the geese. I'll use the screen printing to be the back of the pillow and the rest of the knit fabric can be used for borders. What fun this will be! 

Hope you have a great weekend! 


  1. I love the colors of this block. And what a good idea to upscale the t-shirt.


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