Friday, May 2, 2014

May ALYoF Goal - Applique Flowered Borders

When making quilts for the Faith Circle of do. Good Stitches I find the quilt top usually needs to have borders added in order to be larger than just a small lap quilt. I like the finished quilt to be at least a throw size - covering the top of a bed, but not as large as a twin quilt.

I am currently in the process of assembling the March Wonky Disappearing 4 Patch quilt for our bee. The blocks are joined and are ready for, flowering borders!

A couple years ago I purchased The New Applique Sampler by Piece O' Cake Designs. I highly recommend this book if you would like to learn needle turn applique...and you should because it's great fun!! This book contains patterns for fresh, whimsical flowers and I know they will be perfect for this quilt. However, I am going to use raw edge applique (fuse the applique pieces to the border fabric and machine stitch the edges.) 

Applique border 

So far I've cut out and fused down the flowering vine applique for one side of the quilt. It still needs to be machine stitched down.

My May "A Lovely Year of Finishes" goal is to complete the border for all four sides and attach them to the quilt top. I am linking to the May ALYoF Goal Party. I am entry No. 33!

In a previous post I showed the beautiful Wonky Disappearing 4 Patch blocks made by the sweet ladies of the Faith Circle. Here they are joined together:

Wonky Disappearing 4 Patch Top

I am really liking the softness of the these colors! My bee-mates chose such pretty fabrics :o) Can't you just picture how fun this is going to look encircled by a border of sweet, whimsical flowers?


  1. It will be perfect in every way. Thank you!

  2. This is going to be amazing with your extra touches!!

  3. What a fantastic idea to add those borders. I have a WIP that needs to be a tad bigger and this is the best idea for it. Your quilt is going to look lovely!

  4. Love your happy and fresh appliqué borders!


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