Monday, July 20, 2015

Let's see...where did I leave off?

Goodness, it hardly seems possible that my last blog post was in March. I knew as Spring was approaching things were going to go into high gear: I'm a teacher and Spring is "testing season," I've also spent a tremendous amount of time working on design plans for our log home, and working on the occasional necessary gifts. Something was going to have to give and blogging was it. Let's pick up where we left off.

The largest project I worked on and finished (Oh yeah!) is Mixed Flock. It appeared in the Northern Shenandoah Valley Quilt Show in the newly created Modern Quilts category.

Mixed Flock ~ Finished (at last)
Mixed Flock: designed stitched and quilted by me

In my last post I drew out possible quilting plans that included some pretty labor intensive straight line quilting. In the interest of actually getting the quilt finished in time for the show I ended up spiral quilting the center section and grid quilting the borders. I'm happy with how it turned out. 

In addition, I entered four of my mini quilts in the show:

Mini quilts

Clockwise from top left: Baby Nova, Dashing Geese Mini Quilt, Apple Blossom Celebration, and Wonky Crosses. Most of the time these mini quilts hang on the walls of my office at school. Making mini quilts is very enjoyable because they are so much easier to finish up on my small Janome sewing machine.

It was fun to participate in the quilt show. It's a biannual show so the next one is in 2017...maybe I should get started on a quilt now so it will be finished in time :o)

Well, that's enough to get us started. I'll be back soon with more of what I've been up to. Happy quilting!


  1. Nice to see you appear on my feed, Debbie. I missed you! But life gets in the way of blogging, sometimes, and that's all right. I love your Mixed Flocks... An unusual (for me) colour mix with stunning result. The minis are sweet too, hard to pick a favourite. Maybe the Baby Nova for the hand quilting.
    Welcome back!

  2. I love how your Mixed Flock quilt turned out! It's so fresh and colorful. I can relate to how much time flies between blog posts. Except that I don't have all that much going on. Just life. And poof - it's another day!

  3. All really great quilts. I think you've been quite prolific. The wonky crosses is so fun - don't remember seeing that along the way. Great job!

  4. Very cool. Love your "Mixed Flock!"

  5. Nice to see so many of your quilts at once...I don't recall Baby Nova but it's beautiful. It's important to reflect on achievements like this in your busy life, a little reminder that you do take time out to nurture your creativity :)

  6. It is so lovely to see a grouping of your quilts! You do such nice work!

    I am afraid to go back and see when I last posted to my blog! :)

  7. Can't wait to see some pics of the log cabin!


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