Friday, March 6, 2015

Planning Randomness??

In my previous post I noted how Anita, from Bloomin' Workshop, is once again leading a group of quilters on a journey...this time to finish the Random Sampler quilts we started some time ago. Earlier this week she posted The Finishing Plan. Until reading her post I had no idea how to take a mish-mash of blocks and turn them into a layout that would end up as a quilt top. 

To begin the process I decided to take inventory of my blocks - how many different block sizes have I made, and how many of each size. At this point I have blocks ranging in size from 2.5" square to 15" square. I know! Where did this weird quilt block come from?

Quilt blocks grouped by size

This maple leaf block is the odd-sized one. I'll probably add borders to bring it up to a more workable size. I can't even remember how many years ago I made this block - early in my quilting career. It's a bit wonky, but I love it :o) When we first started this quilt along I pulled this block as my cornerstone to build the sampler around. 

Maple leaves - inspiration for colors came from this block

I've pulled my instructions for Moda's Modern Building Blocks quilt and I'm looking at the breakdown of this layout to inspire me how to divide my quilt top into sections. 

Planning a random layout :o)

My quilt will be in the neighborhood of 60" x 72" so I'll play around with the mental challenge of how to best divide that into sections. Then, as Anita suggested I'll work on filling one section at a time. This will be fun!

Happy Friday!!


  1. Your blocks look great, and it looks like you have many of them! I think it is so helpful to divide this quilt in sections. I have made my 'center' and now I'll let it all brew for a week.

  2. I thought I had a good arrangement for mine, but my blocks are such crazy sizes - I think I'm going to be forced to put in little filler sections of fabric. I too need to just get it all out. I need a design wall though, I just cannot give over this much floor space to this for weeks, and I know that is how long it would take me to get it done... Have I ever mentioned I need a design wall? It makes me crazy!

  3. Your blocks are so beautiful, Debbie! I'm in the same dilemma as you all. I love all the blocks and am still making more, and I have an idea for fillers but no idea how to make all the blocks fit together. I don't know that I can put mine together in sections, I have such an array of sizes. They have in common all being even numbers when finished (4", 6" etc), so that helps. But I had to add a couple of side strips to make my vine a workable size. In the final analysis it won't matter if we fudge a bit :)

  4. Oh, I'm so excited to see your blocks & your process!! I think getting started is the hardest step. Once you get going, I bet it will start to get easier.


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